61 Charles Street
10 January

Customer Services Department
The guardian
278 Canal Street
London W8 6RF

Dear Sir or Madame,
I am writing to complain about the state of the streets in my city. The streets are destroyed and dangerous.
I think that the state of our streets is very important in our life because we need to have good living conditions. We can not live quietly if the streets are dangerous because we can harm us. I have complaint about this issue many times but the council always ignores me.
I ask you to publish some article of the state of the streets in our city because maybe it would be a way to put pressure on the council to fix the damage.
I would be grateful if you could look into this matter urgently.
Yours faithfully,
Mariona Cubells

Mariona Cubells
61 Charles Street
19 January 2015

Mrs Bea Rose
Top Electrics
The High Street
Lampeter LA4 HS6
Dear Mrs Rose,
I am writing to complain about an Mp3 player which I purchased from your internet site, Gadgets to Go, last Friday.
The Mp3 was to help me to study for a music exam which was very important. Imagine my surprise when I started to listen to my music and I realized that the Mp3 didn’t work!
I called the Complaints Department in order to exchange it. However, the assistant was very rude. He said I must have broken it myself. I do not think this is acceptable.
I would be very grateful if you could look into this matter for me. I would like to exchange the Mp3 or to have a full refund.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Mariona Cubells

Mariona Cubells
From: Mariona
To: Mark

Hi there,
How’s it going? I haven’t heard from you for ages!
Well, guess what? I went to cinema with my friends last weekend and I saw a very interesting film. It was called 50 first dates. It is about a marine biologist who meets the girl of his dreams. The girl has a problem, when she gets up in the morning she doesn’t remember anything that happened the day before because of an accident a year before, so the boy has to conquer her each day. This film was very romantic and I recommend that you and your friends go to see it.
Well, I’d better go. I have to study Maths.
Take care,

PS My mum says Hi. 


Wendy   Hi, Max. What did you do yesterday?
Max   Hi, I worked all day. Now, I’m very tired. Why are you asking it? I told you the   other night that I had to work yesterday.
Wendy   Max, I saw you outside the sports shop with a girl.
Max   Well, I’m sorry! I’m going to tell you the whole story.
Wendy   Ok.
Max   I met Lucy before I started hanging out with you. We fell in love but we couldn’t be together because of distance. Now she lives here and we have gone out a few days as friends.
Wendy But, do you still love her?
Max   Yes, I’m sorry. I wanted to talk with you before asking her out together.
Wendy   Ok, I understand it. Thanks. I’m going to go home.
Max Ok, bye!


I think a best friend has to advise you, help you but it has to make you tears of laughter with his antics too. My best friend does all these functions.
I met her six years ago in my row team. She is tallish, slim and athletic. She is dark-skinned and she has dark and short hair. She is easy-going with her friends but serious with people who she doesn’t like. She is very fun and outgoing and we are always laughing together. She is very interested in technology and she wants to study robotics.
My best friend is very important in my life and she always makes me smile.

61 Miky Street
27 January 2015

Customer Services Department
The High Street
Lampeter LA4 HS6
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to complain about the package of a water bottle which I purchased from your supermarket, last Friday.
The package is excessive for a water bottle. The plastic bottle is sufficient to protect the water and I think that the package only helps to pollute further the environment and I would like to make you think on this matter.
I called the Complaints Department in order to denunciate it. However, the assistant was very rude. He didn’t listen to my complaints and he hung up the phone.
I would be very grateful if you could look into this matter for me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.                                               
Yours faithfully,
Mariona Cubells
Mariona Cubells