1.Explain your dream trip.
I don't have a dream trip because my tastes change constantly and I have never planned a special and perfect trip. I think that I would choose a different dream trip in each of the different eras of my life.

2.Think of something you wish had never been invented / discovered.
I consider that each thing that it has been invented is important in our life. If some things had never been invented, our lifes would be different as they are. The most important thing is that we have to use all things ethically.

3.Imagine you could choose to have a supernatural gift. What would you choose and why?
If I could choose to have a supernatural gift I would choose the possibility of reading the minds. If I could read the minds I could know what people think of me really.

4.If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
I think that God doesn't exist but if  he would exist and I could ask him one question I would ask him why he created the world.

5.What would you do and how would you feel if you were mugged in the middle of the street? Explain.
If I were mugged in the middle of the street I would be in shock at first and then I would give all my things to the mugger. I am sure that I would be very scared.

6.Would you like to attend a single-sex school? Explain. 
No, because I think that boys and girls need to grow up together because it is the situation which they will find all of their lifes.

7.If you had to take a person to a first date, what would you organize? 
I would organize nothing because I prefer to improvise, it is more natural.

8.Do you believe we have free will? Do we really make our own choices or are we influeinced by other factors (society, friends, family, people in autority...). In your opinion, what factors influence the way you think and behave?
I think that regarding our conduct against others we are free, but I think that we are slaves of ourselves because our fears influence our choices and the way we think and behave.

9.What is the worst T.V. show you have seen? Explain.
I think the worst T.V. show I have seen is Big brother. I think that is the worst because people go there and they are paid for do nothing.

10.Unmarried couples should have the same rights as married couples. Give your opinion.
No, I think that in legal issues we always need to have a sign paper because people always can lie o manipulate de situations, if we have a sign paper the couple shows that they trust with the partner.

11.If you were on holidays and you met someone you would never see again, would you invent stories to make yourself more interesting? Explain.
No, because I can't lie. If I want to lie, I start getting nervous. I also think that you couldn't know if you would never see him again.

12.If a friend forgot to give you back 10 euros he had borrowed, What would you do?
If a friend forgot to give me back 10 euros he had borrowed, I remain it to him.


13.If you could be somewhere else at this moment, where would you be and what would you be doing?
I'm not surt where I would be but I would be far away from here and I wouldn't be studying.

14.If you were an animal, which one would you like to be? Why?
If I could be an animal I would like to be a wild animal. I don't like animals and I think that wild animal ara more free tan domestic animals.

15. "If I were a member of the oposite sex I would..."
play football. I've loved football since I was a child but I think that If you are a boy, you have more possibilities to play it and improve in football.

16. Tell me something your family does (parents, brother, sister,...) which really annoys you.
My parents always say me that I have to do my work in house before I could do it.
17. It is even OK to tell a white lie?
Yes, sometimes it is necessary to tell a white lie to avoid more problems but often at the end the truth prevails.

18. Should everyone have a right to privacy or are celebrities pubic property?
I think that everyone should have a right to privacy but celebrities shouldn't be paid for showing their lifes and they shouldn't pay for showing it too.


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