1.What things do you like about yourself? What things do you dislike about yourself?
About myself, I like my brown eyes, my hair colour and I like my personality because I am a hard worker. I dislike lots of things about myself but the most important are that I am very pessimistic and extremely nervous

2.Name 3 things you like and 3 things you hate about school.
About school, I like see my friends every day, learn some interesting things about my favourite subjects like maths, biology or history and do some interesting projects. I dislike my homework, the exams and I hate that some classes are really boring.

3.Name 2 things you hate doing around the house.
Around the house, I hate wash the dishes because it takes you a long time and I hate make my bed because at night I have to unmake it again.

4.Do you believe that people have really seen UFOs? Why/Why not? What other explanations could be for UFOs sightings?
I don't believe that people have really seen UFOs because I don't believe in aliens. I think that other explanations could be that people have really seen planes or meteorites.

5.When was the last time you had an argument with your parents? Why?
It was yesterday. We had an argument because my mom said that I don't do anything around the house when she is ill. 

6.What would you do if a friend gave you an expensive shirt that you thought was awful?
If a friend gave me an expensive shirt that I thought was awful, I would accept it and wear it once and with a jacket.

7.Are you superstitious? Do you believe in ghosts? Explain.
No, I don't believe in ghosts because I don't want living with a lot of fears.

8.Can men and women do all jobs equally well?
I think that men and women can do all jobs equally well. Nowadays, our society is a little sexist but I think that a women can do a physical job like men.

9.If we keep on polluting ou environment, the world will disappear in 100 years. What can be done to preserve our environment?
To preserve our environment we can do lots of things. We can recycle every day at home and convince people around us. We can avoid go to school or go to work by car and try to go by public transport or carpool. Finally, we can use renovable energies in our dairy life.

10.How do you picture the world in 200 years from now? Explain.
I picture the world in 200 years from now like a very diferent world. I think that many people, like teachers or shop assistants, will be replaced by robots. I imagine the world in 200 years from now with flying cars and people who can teleport. The future world will be a highly technological world.

11.Have you ever been robbed/had a serious problem on a holiday? Explain.
My sister and I went to a museum on holidays last year. Suddenly, the lights turned off. We were really scared. Then, the lights turned on and the people continued to their museum visit. Finally, a group of people saw that in the museum was missing a painting.

12.Tell me a famous person you would like to meet. Why? How would you spend a day with him/her?
The famous person I would like to meet was Emma Watson, who plays the role of Hermione in Harry Potter's films, because I think that she is a girl who has taken her famous reputation to defend the rights of women and to cooperate in good works. I would spend a day with her talking about her life and her interesting projects.

13.What are your plans for this year? How do you see yourself in 10 years time? Explain.
My plans for this year are pass Batxillerat with good marks and enjoy life.
I see myself in 10 years time studing or working in another country like Germany or Finland. I want to work in biomedical reserch in the future.

14.Have you got enough freedom as a teenager. Do you think your parents should be more or less strict? Explain.
I think that I have got enough freedom as a teenager but sometimes my parents should be less strict in my studies and in my friends. I believe that teenagers need to have some freedom but not excessive because then they can become rude.

15.Imagine you take a gap year. Explain what you would do during that year.
If I took a gap year, I would take a bag and I would travel around the world. I would enjoy the gap yearn and I wouldn't have any concerns. I would travel without a planned destination and I would learn lots of cultures and languages.

16.What would you do if your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend were in love with you?
If my best friend's boyfriend were in love with me, I would need to think carefully what I would have to do. I think that I would explain it to my best friend and we would decide the solution together.

17.What is the best film you have seen? What is the best book you have read? Explain your answer.
The best film that I have seen is Annie, becaus it was my favourite musical film when I was a child and I have seen it lots of time.
I don't have a favourite book but a book that I really like is The little prince. This book is a philosophical book about the adult world and is very interesting.

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