1.What are the best things about being a teenager? What ara the worst? Explain.
The best things about being a teenager are go to parties, have some freedom and have the financial support of parents. The worst things are that we have to take some decisions and that adults put more pressure on us.

2. Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall
The song Another brick in the wall shows the willingness of students to have an education without manipulation of thoughts. I am agree with this song because I think that education have to give us wings to fly, to be able to think for ourselves. Some politicians want manipulated and uncultivated students and citizens, like robots which can't think, judge or protest.

3.Describe what you would think and do if you were alone on a deserted island for one week.
If I were alone on a deserted island for one week I would collect food to survive and I would think about my life and and how can I make it better.

4.What do you think the world needs more?
I think that the world need more generous people, people who works to the other people, who helps people and who collaborate to create a better world. Our world is plenty of people who only think about themselves and about their wealth.

5.Tell me about a place where you have a lot of fun.
I have a lot of fun in live concerts of groups like Txarango or Obrint Pas because I think that do a live concert is very difficult and I value it. I have a lot of fun doing sport with my rowing team too.

6.Imagine your best friend goes out with the boy you fancy, what would you say or do?
If my best friend goes out with the boy I fancy, I would try to accept it and I would forget the boy.

7.Write a thank-you note to your favorite teacher. Tell him the things you like and you don't like about the class.
Hi teacher, thanks for tought me to work hard and for your advices. Your classes were very fun and we learn a lot. You helped me a lot when I was a child and I am a hard worker because of you.

8.Do you think we are living in a material world? Why? Do you like it? If your answer was yes, what can be done to change it?
Yes, I think we are living in a material world which is full of people that only want material things and have a material life. I don't like it because I think people is more important than material things, we need to have more feelings for the people than for the material things. I think that it is very difficult because first we need to change the mentality of the people and it is practically impossible with a thought so widespread as this. 

9.Who is the most interesting person you have met? What makes that person so interesting?
The most interesting person that I've ever met is a man that I met when I went to Disneyland Resort Paris. He stayed at the same hotes that my family and I and he told us very interesting thins about his trips.
10.Imagine you win the Xmas lottery. What would you do? Explain
If I won the Xmas lottery, I would buy a new and better cello, I would buy a mobile phone, I would pay my university degree and I would travell a lot. I would like to give money to charity.

11.If you were driving through the countryside alone at night and you ran out of petrol, whet would you do?
If I were driving through the countryside alone at night and I ran out of petrol, I would sleep in the car and when the sun rise I would do hitchhiking or I would walk to a town to ask for help.

12.If you were on a train and an elderly person next to you fell asleep on your shoulder, what would you do?
If I were on a train and an elderly person next to me fell asleep on my shoulder, I would make noise furtively or I would stand up in order to awake her.

13.If you didn't live in your country, you'd like to live in... Why?
If I didn't live in my coutry, I would like to live in Finland, because his the education sistem is better or in Denmark, because there aren't any nuclear power station.

14.What would you do and how would you behave in class if you were a teacher? What would you teach? Explain.
If I were a teacher, I would teach PE bacuse I like to do sport. I would do funny activities but I would be strict too. 

15.If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do and why?
If I could be invisible for a day, I would spy what people do and say when I wasn't there because I think that many people isn't sincere with me and I need to know what they think.

16. Under his pillow, Jimmy found a note saying...
Hi Jimmy, you have to go to my planet to solve a war. Your participation in this project is very important and we need your help. 
PD: The spaceship is collecting you at ten o'clock.

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